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Canalization of development by microRNAs


Animal development is an extremely robust process resulting in stereotyped outcomes. Canalization is a design principle wherein developmental pathways are stabilized to increase phenotypic reproducibility. Recent revelations into microRNA (miRNA) function suggest that miRNAs act as key players in canalizing genetic programs. We suggest that miRNA interactions with the network of protein-coding genes evolved to buffer stochastic perturbations and thereby confer robustness to developmental genetic programs.

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Figure 1: The architecture of the miRNA-target network.
Figure 2: miRNAs may sharpen developmental transitions.
Figure 3: miRNAs are suggested to canalize the pathway controlling scutellar bristle number.

Katie Ris

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We would like to thank N. Barkai, U. Alon, G. Shinar, D. Bartel and S. Cohen for discussions. We thank E. McGlinn, R. Kafri and C. Burge for critical reading of the manuscript. E.H. acknowledges C. Tabin for inspiration, training and insightful remarks on this manuscript.

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Hornstein, E., Shomron, N. Canalization of development by microRNAs. Nat Genet 38 (Suppl 6), S20–S24 (2006).

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