Issue 4, 2008

Development of analytical methods for multiplex bio-assay with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry


Advances in the development of highly multiplexed bio-analytical assays with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) detection are discussed. Use of novel reagents specifically designed for immunological methods utilizing elemental analysis is presented. The major steps of method development, including selection of elements for tags, validation of tagged reagents, and examples of multiplexed assays, are considered in detail. The paper further describes experimental protocols for elemental tagging of antibodies, immunostaining of live and fixed human leukemia cells, and preparation of samples for ICP-MS analysis. Quantitative analysis of surface antigens on model cell lines using a cocktail of seven lanthanide labeled antibodies demonstrated high specificity and concordance with conventional immunophenotyping.

Graphical abstract: Development of analytical methods for multiplex bio-assay with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Article information

Article type
10 Jul 2007
30 Nov 2007
First published
04 Jan 2008

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2008,23, 463-469

Development of analytical methods for multiplex bio-assay with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

O. I. Ornatsky, R. Kinach, D. R. Bandura, X. Lou, S. D. Tanner, V. I. Baranov, M. Nitz and M. A. Winnik, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2008, 23, 463 DOI: 10.1039/B710510J

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