How do Cdc7 and cyclin-dependent kinases trigger the initiation of chromosome replication in eukaryotic cells?

  1. Karim Labib1
  1. Cancer Research UK, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, University of Manchester, Manchester M20 4BX, United Kingdom


    Chromosome replication occurs precisely once during the cell cycle of almost all eukaryotic cells, and is a highly complex process that is still understood relatively poorly. Two conserved kinases called Cdc7 (cell division cycle 7) and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) are required to establish replication forks during the initiation of chromosome replication, and a key feature of this process is the activation of the replicative DNA helicase in situ at each origin of DNA replication. A series of recent studies has shed new light on the targets of Cdc7 and CDK, indicating that chromosome replication probably initiates by a fundamentally similar mechanism in all eukaryotes.



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