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Recurrent Urachal Mucinous Adenocarcinoma Presenting as Bilateral Ovarian Tumors on Cesarean Delivery
  1. Alaa El-Ghobashy, MD, MRCOG*,
  2. Corah Ohadike, BMBS, BMedSci(Hons),
  3. Nafisa Wilkinson, FRCPath,
  4. Geoffery Lane, MD, FRCOG* and
  5. James D. Campbell, FRCOG
  1. * Departments of Gynaecological Oncology,
  2. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and
  3. Pathology, St James's University Hospital, Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Alaa El-Ghobashy, MD, MRCOG, Department of Gynaecological Oncology, St James's Institute of Oncology, Ward 92, 4th Floor, Beckett St, Leeds LS9 7TF, United Kingdom. E-mail: ghobashy{at}


Secondary ovarian cancers, Krukenberg tumors, are a distinctive subset of metastatic tumors arising from the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, colon, and appendix), the biliary system, the breast, or other genital organs. These tumors account for 5% of all ovarian malignancies. Such metastases could mimic primary mucinous ovarian adenocarcinomas.1,2 Metastases from the urinary tract are uncommon.

Primary adenocarcinoma of the bladder accounts for less than 1% of all bladder malignancies; one third of these tumors are urachal in origin.3 Urachal cancers are rare and tend to occur in older men (mean age, 50-60 years); however, it was described previously in a 15-year-old girl.4 Symptoms include hematuria, dysuria, frequency, urgency, and recurrent urinary tract infections.5 These tumors have a predilection to locally spread to the surrounding organs. Ovarian metastasis is a rare event and is infrequently reported in literature.

  • Urachal
  • Adenocarcinoma
  • Ovarian
  • Metastasis

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