Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica 2006 Volume 53, Issue 3, Pages: 95-99
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Gangrena Fournier i rekonstrukcija nastalih defekata

Sretenović N. (Hirurška služba - Odeljak za plastičnu i rekonstruktivnu hirurgiju Opšte bolnice, Požarevac)
Colić M. (Institut za opekotine, plastičnu i rekonstruktivnu hirurgiju, Beograd)
Lazić R. (Urološka služba Opšte bolnice, Požarevac)
Bosić S. (Hirurška služba - Odeljak za plastičnu i rekonstruktivnu hirurgiju Opšte bolnice, Požarevac)
Stojadinović N. (Urološka služba Opšte bolnice, Požarevac)

Fournier’s gangrene is remarkably rare but severe, life threatening condition. Thanks to better early recognition of disease in past few years, the percentage of patients which survive this condition is considerable, but consequence of this fact is large number of patients with defects of cutis and subcutis in perineal and scrotal regions. Reconstruction of this defects is complicate and require healthy, well vascularised tissue from another anatomical region which is not involved in gangrenous process. Authors present two cases of reconstruction of defects in perineal and scrotal regions. First case is large defect which is covered by transposition of musculus gracilis musculo-cutaneous flap. Second case is lesser defect which is enclosed by mobilization of local skin flaps. .

Keywords: Fouriner’ gangrene, perineum, scrotum, reconstruction

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